Every week, the members of the Saturday Night Freak Show (Brent, Tom,
Colin, Travis & Sean) gather in a subterranean screening room. Each week, a
different member of the group chooses a movie to watch, and afterwards we enter
the Thunderdome to debate the movie's merit for the entertainment of you, the
This week, Travis takes us on a trip down memory lane via The Last Starfighter (1984), and we relive a simpler time when video games were played at arcades and every boy wanted to be a space fighter. Alex Rogan (Halloween II's Lance Guest) lives at a Californian trailer park with his mom & brother; he's an ace at an arcade game called Starfighter, and one night he's recruited by alien Centauri (The Music Man's Robert Preston) to fight an actual space battle against a hostile alien force. The talk takes us on an exploration of Spielberg & Lucas' influence on 80's sci-fi, and Brent discovers that Back to the Future was not the first movie to use a flying DeLorean.
This week, Travis takes us on a trip down memory lane via The Last Starfighter (1984), and we relive a simpler time when video games were played at arcades and every boy wanted to be a space fighter. Alex Rogan (Halloween II's Lance Guest) lives at a Californian trailer park with his mom & brother; he's an ace at an arcade game called Starfighter, and one night he's recruited by alien Centauri (The Music Man's Robert Preston) to fight an actual space battle against a hostile alien force. The talk takes us on an exploration of Spielberg & Lucas' influence on 80's sci-fi, and Brent discovers that Back to the Future was not the first movie to use a flying DeLorean.